An assessment of the technology for data- and program-related conversion

James P. Fry, Edward W. Birss, Peter Dressen, Nancy H. Goguen, Michael M. Kaplan, Eugene I. Lowenthal, Vincent Y. Lum, Robert Marion, Shamkant B. Navathe, Steven J. Schindler, Arie Shoshani, Stanley Y. W. Su, Donald E. Swartwout, Robert W. Taylor, Beatrice Yormark. An assessment of the technology for data- and program-related conversion. In Sakti P. Ghosh, editor, American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1978 National Computer Conference, June 5-8, 1978, Anaheim, CA, USA. Volume 47 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, pages 887-908, AFIPS Press, 1978.