A Characterization of Integral ISS for Switched and Time-Varying Systems

Hernan Haimovich, José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar. A Characterization of Integral ISS for Switched and Time-Varying Systems. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 63(2):578-585, 2018. [doi]

  title = {A Characterization of Integral ISS for Switched and Time-Varying Systems},
  author = {Hernan Haimovich and José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar},
  year = {2018},
  doi = {10.1109/TAC.2017.2729284},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2017.2729284},
  researchr = {https://researchr.org/publication/HaimovichM18},
  cites = {0},
  citedby = {0},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.},
  volume = {63},
  number = {2},
  pages = {578-585},