Nikolaus Hammler, Andreia Cathelin, Philippe Cathelin, Boris Murmann. A Spectrum-Sensing DPD Feedback Receiver With 30× Reduction in ADC Acquisition Bandwidth and Sample Rate. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, 66-I(9):3340-3351, 2019. [doi]
@article{HammlerCCM19, title = {A Spectrum-Sensing DPD Feedback Receiver With 30× Reduction in ADC Acquisition Bandwidth and Sample Rate}, author = {Nikolaus Hammler and Andreia Cathelin and Philippe Cathelin and Boris Murmann}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1109/TCSI.2019.2920828}, url = {}, researchr = {}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, journal = {IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems}, volume = {66-I}, number = {9}, pages = {3340-3351}, }