Prolog for programmers by Feliks Kluzniak and Stanislaw Szpakowicz, with a contribution by Janusz S. Bien, Academic Press, 1985, reprinted 1987, Paperback edition, ISBN 0-12-416521-4, 308 pages including many diagrams and listings. Includes Toy-Prolog for IBM-PC on 5¼ inch floppy disk. $14.95

Ken Johnson. Prolog for programmers by Feliks Kluzniak and Stanislaw Szpakowicz, with a contribution by Janusz S. Bien, Academic Press, 1985, reprinted 1987, Paperback edition, ISBN 0-12-416521-4, 308 pages including many diagrams and listings. Includes Toy-Prolog for IBM-PC on 5¼ inch floppy disk. $14.95. Knowledge Eng. Review, 4(1):73-74, 1989. [doi]