Quasi-Synchronization and Bifurcation Results on Fractional-Order Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks

Udhayakumar Kandasamy, Xiaodi Li, Rajan Rakkiyappan. Quasi-Synchronization and Bifurcation Results on Fractional-Order Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 31(10):4063-4072, 2020. [doi]


Udhayakumar Kandasamy

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Udhayakumar Kandasamy' in Google

Xiaodi Li

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Xiaodi Li' in Google

Rajan Rakkiyappan

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Rajan Rakkiyappan' in Google