A Comparative Evaluation of Optical See-Through Augmented Reality in Surgical Guidance

Ruiyang Li, Boxuan Han, Haowei Li, Longfei Ma, Xinran Zhang, Zhe Zhao 0005, Hongen Liao. A Comparative Evaluation of Optical See-Through Augmented Reality in Surgical Guidance. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 30(7):4362-4374, July 2024. [doi]


Ruiyang Li

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Boxuan Han

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Haowei Li

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Longfei Ma

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Xinran Zhang

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Zhe Zhao 0005

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Zhe Zhao 0005' in Google

Hongen Liao

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Hongen Liao' in Google