Joint ordinal regression and multiclass classification for diabetic retinopathy grading with transformers and CNNs fusion network

Lei Ma 0004, Qihang Xu, Hanyu Hong, Yu Shi 0004, Ying Zhu 0002, Lei Wang 0068. Joint ordinal regression and multiclass classification for diabetic retinopathy grading with transformers and CNNs fusion network. Appl. Intell., 53(22):27505-27518, November 2023. [doi]


Lei Ma 0004

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Qihang Xu

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Hanyu Hong

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Hanyu Hong' in Google

Yu Shi 0004

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yu Shi 0004' in Google

Ying Zhu 0002

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Lei Wang 0068

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Lei Wang 0068' in Google