Learning Conjunctive Information of Signals in Multi-Sensor Systems

Seong-eun Moon, Jong-Seok Lee. Learning Conjunctive Information of Signals in Multi-Sensor Systems. In Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alejandro Catalá, Bistra Dilkina, Michela Milano, Senén Barro, Alberto Bugarín, Jérôme Lang, editors, ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020). Volume 325 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 1363-1370, IOS Press, 2020. [doi]

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