The following publications are possibly variants of this publication:
- A Generalized Inference Method for Fuzzy Quantified and Truth-Qualified Natural Language PropositionsWataru Okamoto, Shun ichi Tano, Atsushi Inoue, Ryosuke Fujioka. jaciii, 11(5):502-510, 2007. [doi]
- Rule-based Inference Method for Fuzzy-Quantified and Truth-Qualified Natural Language PropositionsWataru Okamoto, Shun'ichi Tano, Atsushi Inoue, Ryosuke Fujioka. fuzzIEEE 2006: 2149-2156 [doi]
- A Generalized Inference Method for Natural Language Propositions Involving Fuzzy Quantifiers and Truth QualifiersWataru Okamoto, Shun'ichi Tano, Atsushi Inoue, Ryosuke Fujioka. fuzzIEEE 2005: 672 [doi]
- Inference results for fuzzy quantified natural language propositions qualified by falseWataru Okamoto, Shun ichi Tano, Atsushi Inoue, Ryosuke Fujioka. SMC 2007: 871-876 [doi]
- An inference method for fuzzy quantified natural language propositions based on new interpretation of truth qualificationWataru Okamoto, Shun'ichi Tano, Toshiharu Iwatani, Atsushi Inoue. fuzzIEEE 2008: 293-298 [doi]
- An Inference Method for Fuzzy Quantified Natural Language Propositions Based on New Interpretation of Truth QualificationWataru Okamoto, Shun ichi Tano, Toshiharu Iwatani, Atsushi Inoue. jaciii, 11(1):71-78, 2007. [doi]