Improving Usability, Efficiency, and Safety of UAV Path Planning through a Virtual Reality Interface

Jesse Rawlins Paterson, JiWoong Han, Tom Cheng, Paxtan Huish Laker, David Livingston McPherson, Joseph Menke, Allen Y. Yang. Improving Usability, Efficiency, and Safety of UAV Path Planning through a Virtual Reality Interface. In Christoph W. Borst, Arun K. Kulshreshth, Gerd Bruder, Stefania Serafin, Christian Sandor, Kyle Johnsen, Jinwei Ye, Daniel Roth 0001, SungChul Jung, editors, Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, SUI 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 19-20, 2019. ACM, 2019. [doi]