Frequency Domain Scheduling for OFDMA with Limited and Noisy Channel Feedback

Klaus I. Pedersen, Guillaume Monghal, István Z. Kovács, Troels E. Kolding, Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Frank Frederiksen, Preben E. Mogensen. Frequency Domain Scheduling for OFDMA with Limited and Noisy Channel Feedback. In Proceedings of the 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 2007, 30 September - 3 October 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA. pages 1792-1796, IEEE, 2007. [doi]


Klaus I. Pedersen

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Guillaume Monghal

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István Z. Kovács

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Troels E. Kolding

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Akhilesh Pokhariyal

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Frank Frederiksen

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Preben E. Mogensen

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Preben E. Mogensen' in Google