A Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Model for Analysis of Socio-ecological Performance Key Factors of Supply Chain

Rahul Solanki, Jyoti Dhingra Darbari, Vernika Agarwal, P. C. Jha. A Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Model for Analysis of Socio-ecological Performance Key Factors of Supply Chain. In Kedar Nath Das, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Kusum Deep, Atulya K. Nagar, Ponnambalam Pathipooranam, Rani Chinnappa Naidu, editors, Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2018, Volume 1, VIT Vellore, India, December 17-19, 2018. Volume 1048 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 671-685, Springer, 2018. [doi]