Experimental Design for Inference over the A. thaliana Circadian Clock Network

Daniel Trejo-Baños, Andrew J. Millar, Guido Sanguinetti. Experimental Design for Inference over the A. thaliana Circadian Clock Network. In Olivier F. Roux, Jérémie Bourdon, editors, Computational Methods in Systems Biology - 13th International Conference, CMSB 2015, Nantes, France, September 16-18, 2015, Proceedings. Volume 9308 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 28-39, Springer, 2015. [doi]


Daniel Trejo-Baños

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Andrew J. Millar

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Andrew J. Millar' in Google

Guido Sanguinetti

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Guido Sanguinetti' in Google