Numerical methods for instability mitigation in the modeling of laser wakefield accelerators in a Lorentz-boosted frame

Jean-Luc Vay, Cameron G. R. Geddes, Estelle Cormier-Michel, David P. Grote. Numerical methods for instability mitigation in the modeling of laser wakefield accelerators in a Lorentz-boosted frame. J. Comput. Physics, 230(15):5908-5929, 2011. [doi]


Jean-Luc Vay

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Cameron G. R. Geddes

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Cameron G. R. Geddes' in Google

Estelle Cormier-Michel

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Estelle Cormier-Michel' in Google

David P. Grote

This author has not been identified. Look up 'David P. Grote' in Google