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Explore journals > W
wasserwirtschaft | Wasserwirtschaft |
wc | IEEE Wireless Commun. |
wcl | IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters |
wdl | World Digital Libraries |
webology | Webology |
wet | Wireless Engineering and Technology |
wi | Wirtschaftsinformatik |
wias | Web Intelligence and Agent Systems |
wicomm | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing |
widm | Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
winet | Wireless Networks |
wipiec | WiPiEC Journal |
wm | Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management |
wpc | Wireless Personal Communications |
ws | J. Web Sem. |
wsarai | World Sci. Annu. Rev. Artif. Intell. |
wsn | Wireless Sensor Network |
www | World Wide Web |
wwwj | World Wide Web Journal |