Journal: Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial

Volume 24, Issue 67

1 -- 17Flávio Arthur O. Santos, Thiago Dias Bispo, Hendrik Teixeira Macedo, Cleber Zanchettin. Morphological Skip-Gram: Replacing FastText characters n-gram with morphological knowledge
18 -- 35Hicham Deghbouch, Fatima Debbat. Hybrid Bees Algorithm with Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks
36 -- 39Mariela Morveli Espinoza. Calculating the Strength of Rhetorical Arguments in Persuasive Negotiation Dialogues
40 -- 50Jean Phelipe de Oliveira Lima, Carlos Maurício Seródio Figueiredo. Temporal Fusion Approach for Video Classification with Convolutional and LSTM Neural Networks Applied to Violence Detection
51 -- 70Gildásio Lecchi Cravo, Dayan de C. Bissoli, André Renato Sales Amaral. Otimização por Enxame de Partículas híbrido de duas fases Aplicado o Problema de Layout em Linha Dupla
71 -- 89Jorge Herrera-Franklin, Alejandro Rosete, Milton García-Borroto. fuzzy approach for the variable cost and size bin packing problem allowing incomplete packing
90 -- 101Otto Menegasso Pires, Eduardo Inacio Duzzioni, Jerusa Marchi, Rafael de Santiago. Quantum Circuit Synthesis Using Projective Simulation
102 -- 120Varsha Bhole, Arun Kumar. A Transfer Learning-based Approach to Predict the Shelf life of Fruit
121 -- 128Gerardo Ernesto Rolong Agudelo, Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín, Paulo Alonso Gaona García. Computational Model to Support the Detection of Profiles of Missing Person in Colombia
147 -- 156Amin Rezaeipanah, Rahmad Syah, Siswi Wulandari, A. Arbansyah. Design of Ensemble Classifier Model Based on MLP Neural Network For Breast Cancer Diagnosis