Journal: AI EDAM

Volume 13, Issue 3

143 -- 0Peter J. Bentley. Special Issue: Evolutionary Design
145 -- 156Peter Baron, Robert B. Fisher, Andrew Tuson, Frank Mill, Andrew Sherlock. A voxel-based representation for evolutionary shape optimization
157 -- 169Khaled Rasheed, Haym Hirsh. Learning to be selective in genetic-algorithm-based design optimization
171 -- 184Toshiharu Taura, Ichiro Nagasaka. Adaptive-growth-type 3D representation for configuration design
185 -- 204Biren Prasad. Enabling principles of concurrency and simultaneity in concurrent engineering
205 -- 215Argiris J. Dentsoras. A selective, multiple-criteria method for handling constraint violations in well-defined design problems
217 -- 234H. Van Dyke Parunak, Allen C. Ward, John A. Sauter. The MarCon algorithm: A systematic market approach to distributed constraint problems