Journal: Algorithmica

Volume 33, Issue 1

1 -- 2Roberto Battiti, Alan A. Bertossi. Foreword
3 -- 18Laura A. Sanchis. Experimental Analysis of Heuristic Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem
19 -- 33Stefan Nilsson, Matti Tikkanen. An Experimental Study of Compression Methods for Dynamic Tries
34 -- 51Ivan D. Baev, Waleed Meleis, Alexandre E. Eichenberger. An Experimental Study of Algorithms for Weighted Completion Time Scheduling
52 -- 70Vikas Kapoor, Dietmar Kühl, Alexander Wolff. A Tutorial for Designing Flexible Geometric Algorithms
71 -- 88Alberto Bertoni, Paola Campadelli, Giuliano Grossi. A Neural Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem: Analysis, Experiments, and Circuit Implementation
89 -- 103Rebecca N. Wright, Sara Spalding. Experimental Performance of Shared RSA Modulus Generation
104 -- 128Lars Arge, Klaus Hinrichs, Jan Vahrenhold, Jeffrey Scott Vitter. Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-Trees