Journal: Algorithmica

Volume 84, Issue 10

2785 -- 2819Tzvi Alon, Nir Halman. Strongly Polynomial FPTASes for Monotone Dynamic Programs
2820 -- 2841Shinwoo An, Eunjin Oh 0001. Reachability Problems for Transmission Graphs
2842 -- 2870Dhanyamol Antony, Jay Garchar, Sagartanu Pal, R. B. Sandeep, Sagnik Sen 0001, R. Subashini. On Subgraph Complementation to H-free Graphs
2871 -- 2897Jakob Keller, Christian Rieck, Christian Scheffer, Arne Schmidt 0001. Particle-Based Assembly Using Precise Global Control
2898 -- 2925Bart de Keijzer, Dominik Wojtczak. Facility Reallocation on the Line
2926 -- 2953Robert Krauthgamer, David Reitblat. Almost-Smooth Histograms and Sliding-Window Graph Algorithms
2954 -- 2986Sándor P. Fekete, Eike Niehs, Christian Scheffer, Arne Schmidt 0001. Connected Reconfiguration of Lattice-Based Cellular Structures by Finite-Memory Robots
2987 -- 3007Arnold Filtser, Ofer Neiman. Light Spanners for High Dimensional Norms via Stochastic Decompositions
3008 -- 3033Nicola Rizzo 0001, Alexandru I. Tomescu, Alberto Policriti. Solving String Problems on Graphs Using the Labeled Direct Product
3034 -- 3053Ziyun Huang, Qilong Feng, Jianxin Wang 0001, Jinhui Xu 0001. Small Candidate Set for Translational Pattern Search
3054 -- 3074Nathaniel Grammel, Lisa Hellerstein, Devorah Kletenik, Naifeng Liu. Algorithms for the Unit-Cost Stochastic Score Classification Problem
3075 -- 3100Akanksha Agrawal, Madhumita Kundu, Abhishek Sahu, Saket Saurabh 0001, Prafullkumar Tale. Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Edge Colorable Subgraph
3101 -- 3102Moran Feldman. Correction to: Guess Free Maximization of Submodular and Linear Sums
3103 -- 3106Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, Tomasz Radzik. Selected Papers of the 31st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, IWOCA 2020