- Shayesteh Arasti, Siavash Mirarab. Median quartet tree search algorithms using optimal subtree prune and regraft. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):12, December 2024.
- Hua-Ting Yao, Bertrand Marchand, Sarah J. Berkemer, Yann Ponty, Sebastian Will. Infrared: a declarative tree decomposition-powered framework for bioinformatics. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):13, December 2024.
- Luís Cunha, Ignasi Sau, Uéverton S. Souza. On the parameterized complexity of the median and closest problems under some permutation metrics. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):24, December 2024.
- Junyan Dai, Tobias Rubel, Yunheng Han, Erin K. Molloy. Dollo-CDP: a polynomial-time algorithm for the clade-constrained large Dollo parsimony problem. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):2, December 2024.
- Yutong Qiu, Yihang Shen, Carl Kingsford. Revisiting the complexity of and algorithms for the graph traversal edit distance and its variants. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):17, December 2024.
- Yushu Liu, Mohammad Amin Edrisi, Zhi Yan 0008, Huw A. Ogilvie, Luay Nakhleh. NestedBD: Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees from single-cell copy number profiles under a birth-death model. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):18, December 2024.
- Mahsa Farnia, Nadia Tahiri. New generalized metric based on branch length distance to compare B cell lineage trees. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):22, December 2024.
- Mateo Gray, Sebastian Will, Hosna Jabbari. SparseRNAfolD: optimized sparse RNA pseudoknot-free folding with dangle consideration. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):9, December 2024.
- Zsuzsanna Lipták, Francesco Masillo, Simon J. Puglisi. Suffix sorting via matching statistics. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):11, December 2024.
- Amatur Rahman, Yoann Dufresne, Paul Medvedev. Compression algorithm for colored de Bruijn graphs. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 19(1):20, December 2024.