Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

Volume 46, Issue 4

375 -- 413Mikhail Prokopenko. A preferential semantics for causal reasoning about action
415 -- 439Roie Zivan, Amnon Meisels. Message delay and DisCSP search algorithms

Volume 46, Issue 3

231 -- 234Maroua Bouzid, Carlo Combi, Michael Fisher, Gérard Ligozat. Guest editorial: Temporal representation and reasoning
235 -- 263Alexander Bolotov, Artie Basukoski. A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL:::+:::
265 -- 288Alessandro Artale. Reasoning on temporal class diagrams: Undecidability results
289 -- 315Laura Giordano, Alberto Martelli. Tableau-based automata construction for dynamic linear time temporal logic*
317 -- 347Lavinia Egidi, Paolo Terenziani. A mathematical framework for the semantics of symbolic languages representing periodic time
349 -- 374Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen. An algebraic framework for temporal attribute characteristics

Volume 46, Issue 1-2

4 -- 37Ofer Arieli, Marc Denecker, Bert Van Nuffelen, Maurice Bruynooghe. Computational methods for database repair by signed formulae
38 -- 97Stephen J. Hegner. The complexity of embedded axiomatization for a class of closed database views
98 -- 113János Demetrovics, Gyula O. H. Katona, Dezsö Miklós. On the security of individual data
114 -- 164Sven Hartmann, Sebastian Link, Klaus-Dieter Schewe. Functional and multivalued dependencies in nested databases generated by record and list constructor
165 -- 190Gösta Grahne, Alex Thomo. Regular path queries under approximate semantics
191 -- 230Alexander V. Lyaletski. Sequent forms of Herbrand theorem and their applications