Journal: Ars Math. Contemp.

Volume 10, Issue 1

0 -- 0Dragan Marusic, Tomaz Pisanski. The '2n - 1 rule'
1 -- 8Miguel Raggi. Forbidden configurations: Finding the number predicted by the Anstee-Sali conjecture is NP-hard
9 -- 18Vladimir Baltic, Dragan Stevanovic. Counting of even and odd restricted permutations
19 -- 29Curt Lindner, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi. Squashing maximum packings of 6-cycles into maximum packings of triples
31 -- 44Petra Sparl, Rafal Witkowski, Janez Zerovnik. Multicoloring of cannonball graphs
45 -- 66Michael Goff. Distinguishing partitions of complete multipartite graphs
67 -- 77Ales Vavpetic. Commutators of cycles in permutation groups
79 -- 83Grant Cairns, Stacey Mendan. An improvement of a result of Zverovich - Zverovich
85 -- 90Xiangwen Li, Sanming Zhou. Nowhere-zero 3-flows in graphs admitting solvable arc-transitive groups of automorphisms
91 -- 98Fuyuan Chen, Bo Ning. A note on nowhere-zero 3-flows and Z_3-connectivity
99 -- 112Jürgen Bokowski, Vincent Pilaud. Quasi-configurations: Building blocks for point-line configurations
113 -- 134Aleksander Malnic, Rok Pozar. On the split structure of lifted groups
135 -- 167Casey Mann, Joseph DiNatale, Emily Peirce, Ellen Vitercik. Unilateral and equitransitive tilings by squares of four sizes
169 -- 181Klara Stokes. Irreducibility of configurations
183 -- 192Alexander Mednykh, Ilya Mednykh. On gamma-hyperellipticity of graphs
193 -- 209Antonio Breda D'Azevedo, Maria Elisa Fernandes. Classification of the regular oriented hypermaps with prime number of hyperfaces