Journal: Axioms

Volume 6, Issue 4

27 -- 0George A. Willis. Computing the Scale of an Endomorphism of a totally Disconnected Locally Compact Group
28 -- 0Ol'ga Sipacheva. Large Sets in Boolean and Non-Boolean Groups and Topology
29 -- 0Paolo Bevilacqua, Gianni Bosi, Magalì E. Zuanon. Existence of Order-Preserving Functions for Nontotal Fuzzy Preference Relations under Decisiveness
30 -- 0Jin Liang, Yunyi Mu. Mild Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for Some Fractional Differential Equations with Delay
31 -- 0Mehmet Sahin, Rizvan Erol. A Dynamic Ticket Pricing Approach for Soccer Games
32 -- 0Simon D. Lentner, Andreas Lochmann. Factorization of Graded Traces on Nichols Algebras
33 -- 0Vsevolod Gubarev. Universal Enveloping Commutative Rota-Baxter Algebras of Pre- and Post-Commutative Algebras
34 -- 0Juan-José Miñana, Óscar Valero. On Indistinguishability Operators, Fuzzy Metrics and Modular Metrics
35 -- 0Ümit Budak, Yanhui Guo, Abdulkadir Sengür, Florentin Smarandache. Neutrosophic Hough Transform