Journal: Biological Cybernetics

Volume 100, Issue 6

409 -- 411André Longtin, John Rinzel. Neuronal dynamics of sensory coding: the legacy of Jose Pedro Segundo
413 -- 415George P. Moore. Afternoons with Segundo
417 -- 426Andrew S. French. The systems analysis approach to mechanosensory coding
427 -- 446Rasmus S. Petersen, Stefano Panzeri, Miguel Maravall. Neural coding and contextual influences in the whisker system
447 -- 457Barry J. Richmond. Stochasticity, spikes and decoding: sufficiency and utility of order statistics
459 -- 474D. R. Brillinger, K. A. Lindsay, J. R. Rosenberg. Combining frequency and time domain approaches to systems with multiple spike train input and output
475 -- 489Connie Sutherland, Brent Doiron, André Longtin. Feedback-induced gain control in stochastic spiking networks
491 -- 504Roman Borisyuk, David Chik, Yakov B. Kazanovich. Visual perception of ambiguous figures: synchronization based neural models
505 -- 520Simon Peter Peron, Fabrizio Gabbiani. Role of spike-frequency adaptation in shaping neuronal response to dynamic stimuli
521 -- 531Brian J. Fischer, José Luis Peña. Bilateral matching of frequency tuning in neural cross-correlators of the owl