Journal: Biological Cybernetics

Volume 66, Issue 4

291 -- 300Robert C. Emerson, Michael J. Korenberg, Mark C. Citron. Identification of complex-cell intensive nonlinearities in a cascade model of cat visual cortex
301 -- 306K. Nicholas Leibovic, Roberto Moreno-Díaz. Rod outer segments are designed for optimum photon detection
307 -- 318John A. White, Paul B. Manis, Eric D. Young. The parameter identification problem for the somatic shunt model
319 -- 325Roman Borisyuk, Alexandr B. Kirillov. Bifurcation analysis of a neural network model
327 -- 333William B. Thompson, Daniel Kersten, William R. Knecht. Structure-from-motion based on information at surface boundaries
335 -- 343Jeffrey Dean. A model of leg coordination in the stick insect, ::::Carausius morosus::::
345 -- 355Jeffrey Dean. A model of leg coordination in the stick insect, ::::Carausim morosus::::
357 -- 366R. Happee. Time optimality in the control of human movements
367 -- 374James T. Buchanan. Neural network simulations of coupled locomotor oscillators in the lamprey spinal cord
375 -- 379Jacek Mandziuk, Bohdan Macuk. A neural network designed to solve the N-Queens Problem
380 -- 0Manfred Fahle, Günther Palm. Erratum