Journal: Biological Cybernetics

Volume 79, Issue 1

1 -- 14M. Ullström, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski, Jesper Tegnér, Erik Aurell, Sten Grillner, Anders Lansner. Activity-dependent modulation of adaptation produces a constant burst proportion in a model of the lamprey spinal locomotor generator
15 -- 27Rosaria Silipo, Gustavo Deco, Rossano Vergassola, Helmut Bartsch. Dynamics extraction in multivariate biomedical time series
29 -- 37Cameron C. McIntyre, Warren M. Grill. Sensitivity analysis of a model of mammalian neural membrane
39 -- 48Jan E. Holly, Gin McCollum. Timing of secondary vestibular neuron responses to a range of rotational head movements
49 -- 57Michael Doppelmayr, Wolfgang Klimesch, T. Pachinger, B. Ripper. Individual differences in brain dynamics: important implications for the calculation of event-related band power
59 -- 66Lilit Yeghiazarian, Mark Kaiser. Role of temperature in quanta mechanisms of facilitation in the frog neuromuscular junction
67 -- 76Sarit Abramovich-Sivan, Solange Akselrod. A single pacemaker cell model based on the phase response curve
77 -- 86Sarit Abramovich-Sivan, Solange Akselrod. A pacemaker cell pair model based on the phase response curve
87 -- 96Ali A. Minai, Tirunelveli Anand. Stimulus-induced bifurcations in discrete-time neural oscillators