Journal: Biological Cybernetics

Volume 3, Issue 6

265 -- 267G. Gestri. Functional significance of the statistical properties of the retinal discharge
272 -- 275A. M. Andrew. To model or not to model
285 -- 287D. G. Kabe. A note on some distributions for nonlinear switching elements with finite dead time
288 -- 295Lewis G. Bishop, Daniel G. Keehn. Neural correlates of the optomotor response in the fly

Volume 3, Issue 5

226 -- 238Heinz-Joachim Pohley, Karl Köhne, A. Singer. Über das Lernverhalten des Automaten Robbi
238 -- 240Mariana Belis. Informationstheoretisches lernmodell
240 -- 249Lester G. Fehmi, Theodore Holmes Bullock. Discrimination among temporal patterns of stimulation in a computer model of a coelenterate nerve net

Volume 3, Issue 4

175 -- 185M. C. Brown, R. B. Stein. Quantitative studies on the slowly adapting stretch receptor of the crayfish
185 -- 187Edmond Nicolau, Alexandru Popovici. Eine Theorie über das Spektrum von Selbstlauten
191 -- 196D. Becker. Zur Berechnung statistisch schwankender Impulsfolgen und ihrer Ãœberlagerung
196 -- 202Giuseppe Gestri, Lamberto Maffei, Donatella Petracchi. Spatial and temporal organization in retinal units

Volume 3, Issue 3

128 -- 136Hans Marko. Die Theorie der bidirektionalen Kommunikation und ihre Anwendung auf die Nachrichtenübermittlung zwischen Menschen (Subjektive Information)
148 -- 152L. M. Ricciardi, F. Esposito. On some distribution functions for non-linear switching elements with finite dead time

Volume 3, Issue 2

41 -- 53John Thorson. Small-signal analysis of a visual reflex in the locust
53 -- 66John Thorson. Small-signal analysis of a visual reflex in the locust
67 -- 82José Pedro Segundo, Donald H. Perkel, George P. Moore. Spike probability in neurones: influence of temporal structure in the train of synaptic events
82 -- 93Nicholas V. Findler. An Information processing theory of human decision making under uncertainty and risk
98 -- 100Eduardo R. Caianiello. Decision equations and reverberations
100 -- 108C. C. Walker, William Ross Ashby. On temporal characteristics of behavior in certain complex systems

Volume 3, Issue 1

8 -- 13G. Gambardella, G. Trautteur. Experimental observations on a small active network
13 -- 17Willard L. Miranker. A model of pulse generation in the peripheral nervous system
24 -- 27William R. Uttal. Oscillations in the amplitude of human peripheral nerve action potentials during repetitive stimulation
27 -- 33Gert Hauske. Ein Elektronisches Funktionsmodell für Verhaltensweisen eines Fisches
33 -- 40Eduardo R. Caianiello, A. Luca. Decision equation for binary systems. Application to neuronal behavior