Journal: Brain Connectivity

Volume 3, Issue 2

99 -- 120Chandan J. Vaidya, Evan M. Gordon. Phenotypic Variability in Resting-State Functional Connectivity: Current Status
121 -- 145Petra Ritter, Michael Schirner, Anthony Randal McIntosh, Viktor K. Jirsa. The Virtual Brain Integrates Computational Modeling and Multimodal Neuroimaging
146 -- 159Owen R. Phillips, Kristi Clark, Eileen Luders, Ramin Azhir, Shantanu H. Joshi, Roger P. Woods, John C. Mazziotta, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine Narr. Superficial White Matter: Effects of Age, Sex, and Hemisphere
160 -- 176Julia P. Owen, Etay Ziv, Polina Bukshpun, Nicholas Pojman, Mari Wakahiro, Jeffrey I. Berman, Timothy P. L. Roberts, Eric J. Friedman, Elliott H. Sherr, Pratik Mukherjee. Test-Retest Reliability of Computational Network Measurements Derived from the Structural Connectome of the Human Brain
177 -- 189Zhen Wei, Sarael Alcauter, Ke Jin, Zi-wen Peng, Wei Gao. Graph Theoretical Analysis of Sedation's Effect on Whole Brain Functional System in School-Aged Children
190 -- 198Erik B. Beall, Mark J. Lowe, Jay L. Alberts, Anneke M. M. Frankemolle, Anil K. Thota, Chintan Shah, Michael D. Phillips. The Effect of Forced-Exercise Therapy for Parkinson's Disease on Motor Cortex Functional Connectivity
199 -- 211Laurie E. Cutting, Amy Clements-Stephens, Kenneth R. Pugh, Scott Burns, Aize Cao, James J. Pekar, Nicole Davis, Sheryl L. Rimrodt. Not All Reading Disabilities Are Dyslexia: Distinct Neurobiology of Specific Comprehension Deficits
212 -- 221Masanori Shimono, Kazuhisa Niki. Global Mapping of the Whole-Brain Network Underlining Binocular Rivalry