Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume 16, Issue 3

139 -- 147Richard H. Austing, Gerald L. Engel. A Computer Science Course Program for Small Colleges
148 -- 152Robert A. Wagner. Common Phrases and Minimum-Space Text Storage
153 -- 160Y. Feinroth, Ed Franceschini, M. Goldstein. Telecommunications Using a Front-End Minicomputer
161 -- 168Charles D. Pack. The Effects of Multiplexing on a Computer-Communications System
169 -- 179Richard W. Conway, Thomas R. Wilcox. Design and Implementation of a Diagnostic Compiler for PL/I
180 -- 181Abraham Bookstein. On Harrison s Substring Testing Technique
181 -- 182William H. Payne. Graduate Education: The Ph.D. Glut
183 -- 185Robert A. Wagner. An Algorithm for Extracting Phrases in a Space-Optimal Fashion [Z] (Algorithm 444)
185 -- 186Shi-Kuo Chang. Binary Pattern Reconstruction from Projections [Z] (Algorithm 445)