Journal: Computer-Aided Design

Volume 26, Issue 3

163 -- 0B. K. Choi. Special issue: NC machining and cutter-path generation
165 -- 178Susan X. Li, Robert B. Jerard. 5-axis machining of sculptured surfaces with a flat-end cutter
179 -- 188B.-H. Kim, C. N. Chu. Effect of cutter mark on surface roughness and scallop height in sculptured surface machining
189 -- 203Martin Held, Gábor Lukács, László Andor. Pocket machining based on contour-parallel tool paths generated by means of proximity maps
204 -- 214S. Marshall, John G. Griffiths. A new cutter-path topology for milling machines
215 -- 224Jordan J. Cox, Yasuko Takezaki, Helaman R. P. Ferguson, Kent E. Kohkonen, Eric L. Mulkay. Space-filling curves in tool-path applications
225 -- 234Daniel C. H. Yang, Tom Kong. Parametric interpolator versus linear interpolator for precision CNC machining
235 -- 243B. K. Choi, Y. C. Chung, J. W. Park, D. H. Kim. Unified CAM-system architecture for die and mould manufacturing
244 -- 252Motoo Kondo. Decomposition of complex geometry for a manufacturing application