Journal: Computer-Aided Design

Volume 28, Issue 4

237 -- 249Natarajan Sridhar, Rajiv Agrawal, Gary L. Kinzel. Algorithms for the structural diagnosis and decomposition of sparse, underconstrained design systems
251 -- 262Ho Seok Kang, Avi Kak. Deforming virtual objects interactively in accordance with an elastic model
263 -- 276Y. L. Srinivas, Vinod Kumar, Debasish Dutta. Surface design using cyclide patches
277 -- 287Yvon Gardan, Estelle Perrin. An algorithm reducing 3D Boolean operations to a 2D problem: concepts and results
289 -- 299Claudio Sansoni. Visual analysis: a new probabilistic technique to determine landscape visibility
301 -- 306Alberto Paoluzzi. Bilinear matrix forms for the area of polygons
307 -- 318Xue Yan, P. Gu. A review of rapid prototyping technologies and systems