Journal: Computer-Aided Design

Volume 28, Issue 8

577 -- 587Prosenjit Gupta, Ravi Janardan, Jayanth Majhi, Tony C. Woo. Efficient geometric algorithms for workpiece orientation in 4- and 5-axis NC machining
589 -- 602Frédéric Parienté, Yong Se Kim. Incremental and localized update of convex decomposition used for form feature recognition
603 -- 616M. C. Wu, C. R. Lit. Analysis on machined feature recognition techniques based on B-rep
617 -- 630In-Kwon Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber. Planar curve offset based on circle approximation
631 -- 649K. C. Hui, Y. M. Kan. Distributed boundary representation and Boolean operations on a massively parallel computer
651 -- 663Moshe Shpitalni, Hod Lipson. Optimization-based reconstruction of a 3D object from a single freehand line drawing
665 -- 666. The NURBS Book: By Les Piegl, Wayne Tiller Springer-Verlag, (1995), 646 pp, ISBN 3-54055-069-0
665 -- 0Joris S. M. Vergeest. Product Data Exchange: By M. Susan Bloor, J. Owen, UCL Press Limited, London, UK (1995) 262 pp, ISBN 1-85728-279-5