Journal: Computer-Aided Design

Volume 36, Issue 7

565 -- 580Y. Yan, S. T. Tan. Adding draft angles on mechanical components containing constant radius blending surfaces
581 -- 594Yi Su, K. H. Lee, A. Senthil Kumar. Automatic mesh generation and modification techniques for mixed quadrilateral and hexahedral element meshes of non-manifold models
595 -- 605Roshan D Souza, Carlo H. Séquin, Paul K. Wright. Automated tool sequence selection for 3-axis machining of free-form pockets
607 -- 623Phillip N. Azariadis. Parameterization of clouds of unorganized points using dynamic base surfaces
625 -- 637Junhua Pang, Ranga Narayanaswami. Multiresolution offsetting and loose convex hull clipping for 2.5D NC machining
639 -- 652Huaiping Yang, Wenping Wang, Jia-Guang Sun. Control point adjustment for B-spline curve approximation
653 -- 663Paul J. Gray, Fathy Ismail, Sanjeev Bedi. Graphics-assisted Rolling Ball Method for 5-axis surface machining