Journal: Computer Aided Geometric Design

Volume 2, Issue 4

237 -- 255Ronald N. Goldman. The method of resolvents: A technique for the implicitization, inversion, and intersection of non-planar, parametric, rational cubic curves
257 -- 279Rida T. Farouki. Exact offset procedures for simple solids
281 -- 296Peter Alfeld. Derivative generation from multivariate scattered data by functional minimization
297 -- 306Gary J. Herron. Smooth closed surfaces with discrete triangular interpolants
307 -- 311E. T. Y. Lee. Some remarks concerning B-splines
313 -- 323Wolfgang Boehm. Curvature continuous curves and surfaces
325 -- 328Gerald Farin. 2-splines
329 -- 0Hartmut Prautzsch. Letter to the editor

Volume 2, Issue 1-3

1 -- 17Robert E. Barnhill. Surfaces in computer aided geometric design: a survey with new results
19 -- 27Gerald E. Farin. A modified Clough-Tocher interpolant
29 -- 36Paul Sablonnière. Bernstein-Bézier methods for the construction of bivariate spline approximants
37 -- 42Geng-zhe Chang, Buchin Su. Families of adjoint patches for a Bézier triangular surface
43 -- 52John A. Gregory. Interpolation to boundary data on the simplex
53 -- 59Thomas W. Sederberg. Piecewise algebraic surface patches
61 -- 67Wolfgang Böhm. Triangular spline algorithms
69 -- 75Hartmut Prautzsch. Generalized subdivision and convergence
77 -- 85Wolfgang Dahmen, Charles A. Micchelli. Line average algorithm: A method for the computer generation of smooth surfaces
87 -- 95Richard Franke. Thin plate splines with tension
97 -- 105Josef Hoschek. Smoothing of curves and surfaces
107 -- 115Andrew J. Worsey. C::2:: interpolation over hypercubes
117 -- 121Fred N. Fritsch, R. E. Carlson. Monotonicity preserving bicubic interpolation: A progress report
123 -- 131Lothar Dannenberg, Horst Nowacki. Approximate conversion of surface representations with polynomial bases
133 -- 139Tom Lyche, Elaine Cohen, Knut Mørken. Knot line refinement algorithms for tensor product B-spline surfaces
141 -- 143Wolfgang Böhm. On the efficiency of knot insertion algorithms
145 -- 149Dieter Lasser. Bernstein-Bézier representation of volumes
151 -- 155Laszlo Piegl. Representation of quadric primitives by rational polynomials
157 -- 164Pere Brunet. Increasing the smoothness of bicubic spline surfaces
165 -- 171Michael J. Pratt. Smooth parametric surface approximations to discrete data
173 -- 183Elizabeth G. Houghton, Robert F. Emnett, James D. Factor, Chaman L. Sabharwal. Implementation of a divide-and-conquer method for intersection of parametric surfaces
185 -- 187Robert E. Barnhill, Bruce R. Piper, S. E. Stead. A multidimensional surface problem: pressure on a wing
189 -- 195Tor Dokken. Finding intersections of B-spline represented geometries using recursive subdivision techniques
197 -- 205Christoph Hornung, Wolfgang Lellek, Peter Rehwald, Wolfgang Straßer. An area-oriented analytical visibility method for displaying parametrically defined tensor-product surfaces
207 -- 212U. Rabien. Integrating patch models for hydrostatics
213 -- 222Ingolf Grieger. Geometry cells and surface definition by finite elements
223 -- 227Hans Hagen. Geometric spline curves
229 -- 235Elaine Cohen, Larry L. Schumaker. Rates of convergence of control polygons