- Jennifer Ihm, Yunjin Kim, Chul-joo Lee. Whom Does Remote Work Make Happy? The Digital Divide in Remote Workers' Well-Being. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(8):550-561, 2024.
- Jolien Trekels, Jacqueline Nesi, Kaitlyn Burnell, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Eva H. Telzer. Dispositional and Social Correlates of Digital Status Seeking Among Adolescents. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(3):187-193, 2024.
- Silvia Francesca Maria Pizzoli, Elisa Rabarbari, Elisa Scerrati, Giuseppe Riva 0001. Enhancing Emotion Regulation Through Arousal Modulation with Modal and Amodal Virtual Food Representations. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(4):294-296, 2024.
- Amna Rafiq, Brooke Linden. Social Media and Self-Concept Among Postsecondary Students: A Scoping Review. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(3):194-201, 2024.
- Junwen M. Hu, Rui Zhu, Yue Zhang. Does Online Dating Make Relationships More Successful? Replication and Extension of a Previous Study. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(9):635-640, 2024.
- Daniel Pimentel, Sriram Kalyanaraman. How Cognitive Absorption Influences Responses to Immersive Narratives of Environmental Threats. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(1):83-90, January 2024.
- Nicholas C. Borgogna, Bailey M. Way, Shane W. Kraus. Multicultural Considerations for the Psychometrics of the Brief Pornography Screen. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(5):318-327, 2024.
- Chiara Rossi, Matteo Brazzelli, Osmano Oasi, Giuseppe Riva 0001. Harmonizing Emotions: Assessing Implicit and Explicit Emotional Responses in Elderly through Music Therapy Sessions. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(3):232-234, 2024.
- Brenda K. Wiederhold. Modern Hieroglyphics and the Generation Gap: Do Emojis Need Their Own Rosetta Stone?. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(3):167-168, 2024.
- Yitong Huang, Steve Benford, Jocelyn Spence, Holly Blake. Exploring Effects of a Nostalgic Storytelling Virtual Reality Experience Beyond Hedonism. Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking, 27(3):221-226, 2024.