Journal: Cryptography and Communications

Volume 11, Issue 6

1145 -- 1146Lilya Budaghyan, Claude Carlet, Tor Helleseth. Editorial: Special issue on Boolean functions and their applications 2018
1147 -- 1164Anne Canteaut, Léo Perrin, Shizhu Tian. If a generalised butterfly is APN then it operates on 6 bits
1165 -- 1184Nikolay S. Kaleyski. Changing APN functions at two points
1185 -- 1197Deng Tang, Jian Liu 0004. A family of weightwise (almost) perfectly balanced boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity
1199 -- 1210Xiang-dong Hou. On a class of permutation trinomials in characteristic 2
1211 -- 1231Claude Gravel, Daniel Panario, David Thomson. Unicyclic strong permutations
1233 -- 1245Wilfried Meidl, Alexander Pott. Generalized bent functions into ℤ p k $\mathbb {Z}_{p^{k}}$ from the partial spread and the Maiorana-McFarland class
1247 -- 1260Sihem Mesnager, Constanza Riera, Pantelimon Stanica. Multiple characters transforms and generalized Boolean functions
1261 -- 1273Gaojun Luo, Xiwang Cao, Sihem Mesnager. Several new classes of self-dual bent functions derived from involutions
1275 -- 1295Nastja Cepak, Enes Pasalic, Amela Muratovic-Ribic. Frobenius linear translators giving rise to new infinite classes of permutations and bent functions
1297 -- 1306Ferruh Özbudak, RumI MelIh Pelen. Strongly regular graphs arising from non-weakly regular bent functions
1307 -- 1337Patrick G. Cesarz, Robert S. Coulter. Image sets with regularity of differences
1339 -- 1362Luís T. A. N. Brandão, Çagdas Çalik, Meltem Sönmez Turan, René Peralta. Upper bounds on the multiplicative complexity of symmetric Boolean functions

Volume 11, Issue 5

839 -- 852Joan-Josep Climent, Verónica Requena, Xaro Soler-Escrivà. A construction of Abelian non-cyclic orbit codes
853 -- 880Gaofei Wu, Matthew G. Parker. On Boolean functions with several flat spectra
881 -- 889Antti Laaksonen, Patric R. J. Östergård. New lower bounds on q-ary error-correcting codes
891 -- 902Nuh Aydin, Ghada Bakbouk, Jonathan G. G. Lambrinos. New linear codes over non-prime fields
903 -- 920Daniele Bartoli, Alexander A. Davydov, Massimo Giulietti, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco. New bounds for linear codes of covering radii 2 and 3
921 -- 949Muhiddin Uguz, Ali Doganaksoy, Fatih Sulak, Onur Koçak. R-2 composition tests: a family of statistical randomness tests for a collection of binary sequences
951 -- 963Lin Wang, Zhi Hu. New explicit injective compressing mappings on primitive sequences over ℤ p e $\mathbb {Z}_{p^e}$
965 -- 978Hila Rabii, Osnat Keren. A new class of security oriented error correcting robust codes
979 -- 992Ying Gao, Zihui Liu, Yiwei Liu. The separation of binary relative three-weight codes and its applications
993 -- 997Richard Hofer, Arne Winterhof. r-th order nonlinearity, correlation measure and least significant bit of the discrete logarithm
999 -- 1008Avaz Naghipour. New classes of quantum codes on closed orientable surfaces
1009 -- 1020Trygve Johnsen, Hugues Verdure. Relative profiles and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes
1021 -- 1035Ismael Gutiérrez García, Daladier Jabba Molinares, Ivan Molina Naizir. A novel maximum distance separable code to generate universal identifiers
1037 -- 1056Yana Liang, Jiali Cao, Xingfa Chen, Shiping Cai, Xiang Fan. Linear complexity of Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of order eight
1057 -- 1068Libo Wang, Baofeng Wu, Xiaoqiang Yue, Yanbin Zheng. Further results on permutation trinomials with Niho exponents
1069 -- 1077Aleksandar Radonjic, Vladimir Vujicic. Integer codes correcting sparse byte errors
1079 -- 1102Samir Hodzic, Enes Pasalic, A. Chattopadhyay. An iterative method for linear decomposition of index generating functions
1103 -- 1114Cem Güneri, Ferruh Özbudak, Elif Saçikara. A concatenated construction of linear complementary pair of codes
1115 -- 1131Allison Beemer, Kathryn Haymaker, Christine A. Kelley. Absorbing sets of codes from finite geometries
1133 -- 1144Chunming Tang, Yanfeng Qi, Dongmei Huang. Regular p-ary bent functions with five terms and Kloosterman sums

Volume 11, Issue 4

557 -- 562Marco Buratti. Hadamard partitioned difference families and their descendants
563 -- 583Ziran Tu, Xiangyong Zeng. A class of permutation trinomials over finite fields of odd characteristic
585 -- 595Diego Napp, Ricardo Pereira 0001, Raquel Pinto, Paula Rocha 0001. Periodic state-space representations of periodic convolutional codes
597 -- 608Masaaki Harada. Singly even self-dual codes of length 24k + 10 and minimum weight 4k + 2
609 -- 620Shudi Yang, Qin Yue, Yansheng Wu, Xiangli Kong. Complete weight enumerators of a class of two-weight linear codes
621 -- 640Ville Junnila, Tero Laihonen, Gabrielle Paris. Optimal bounds on codes for location in circulant graphs
641 -- 660Selçuk Kavut, Sevdenur Baloglu. Results on symmetric S-boxes constructed by concatenation of RSSBs
661 -- 675LiMengNan Zhou, Daiyuan Peng, Xing Liu 0001, Hongyu Han, Zheng Ma. Frequency-hopping sequence sets with good aperiodic Hamming correlation property
677 -- 696Masaaki Harada, Ken Saito. Binary linear complementary dual codes
697 -- 715Sabyasachi Dey, Santanu Sarkar 0001. Settling the mystery of Z r = r in RC4
717 -- 734Liqin Qian, Minjia Shi, Patrick Solé. On self-dual and LCD quasi-twisted codes of index two over a special chain ring
735 -- 757Zibi Xiao, Xiangyong Zeng, Chaoyun Li, Yupeng Jiang. Binary sequences with period N and nonlinear complexity N - 2
759 -- 775Gang Wang, Min-Yao Niu, Fang-Wei Fu. Deterministic constructions of compressed sensing matrices based on codes
777 -- 791Alexey Oblaukhov. A lower bound on the size of the largest metrically regular subset of the Boolean cube
793 -- 813Anastasiya Gorodilova. On the differential equivalence of APN functions
815 -- 824Yu Li, Tongjiang Yan, Chuan Lv. Construction of a Near-Optimal Quasi-Complementary Sequence Set from Almost Difference Set
825 -- 838Gaojun Luo, Xiwang Cao. Two constructions of asymptotically optimal codebooks

Volume 11, Issue 3

363 -- 365Lilya Budaghyan, Chunlei Li, Matthew G. Parker. Editorial: Special Issue on Mathematical Methods for Cryptography
367 -- 377Kaisa Nyberg. Affine linear cryptanalysis
379 -- 384Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen. Decomposition of permutations in a finite field
385 -- 398Kerem Varici, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen. Constructions of S-boxes with uniform sharing
399 -- 410László Csirmaz, Péter Ligeti. Secret sharing on large girth graphs
411 -- 426Yao Chen, Benjamin M. Case, Shuhong Gao, Guang Gong. Error analysis of weak Poly-LWE instances
427 -- 442Patrick Felke. On the security of biquadratic C ∗ public-key cryptosystems and its generalizations
443 -- 460Håvard Raddum, Srimathi Varadharajan. Factorization using binary decision diagrams
461 -- 496Victor A. Zinoviev. On classical Kloosterman sums
497 -- 507Assen Bojilov, Lyubomir Borissov, Yuri Borissov. Computing the number of finite field elements with prescribed absolute trace and co-trace
509 -- 548Nian Li, Xiangyong Zeng. A survey on the applications of Niho exponents
549 -- 555Torleiv Kløve. Codes of length two correcting single errors of limited size

Volume 11, Issue 2

137 -- 146Hongwei Liu, Youcef Maouche. Several new classes of linear codes with few weights
147 -- 166Umberto Martínez-Peñas. Universal secure rank-metric coding schemes with optimal communication overheads
167 -- 189Lin Wang, Zhi Hu. e
191 -- 206Jerod Michel, Qi Wang. Some new balanced and almost balanced quaternary sequences with low autocorrelation
207 -- 225Enes Pasalic, Samir Hodzic, Fengrong Zhang, Yongzhuang Wei. Bent functions from nonlinear permutations and conversely
227 -- 236Huali Deng, Dabin Zheng. More classes of permutation trinomials with Niho exponents
237 -- 257Olav Geil, Ferruh Özbudak. On affine variety codes from the Klein quartic
259 -- 268Haode Yan. A note on the constructions of MDS self-dual codes
269 -- 277Qichun Wang, Pantelimon Stanica. New bounds on the covering radius of the second order Reed-Muller code of length 128
279 -- 298Kangquan Li, Longjiang Qu, Qiang Wang. Compositional inverses of permutation polynomials of the form x r h(x s ) over finite fields
299 -- 312Zhe Gao, Chao Li, Yue Zhou. Upper bounds and constructions of complete Asynchronous channel hopping systems
313 -- 324Gaofei Wu, Nian Li. n from Niho exponents
325 -- 335Mohammad Ashraf, Ghulam Mohammad. Quantum codes over F p from cyclic codes over F p [u, v]/〈u 2 - 1, v 3 - v, u v - v u〉
337 -- 349Yuhua Sun, Qiang Wang, Tongjiang Yan. A lower bound on the 2-adic complexity of the modified Jacobi sequence
351 -- 362Saeed Rostami, Elham Shakour, Mohammad Ali Orumiehchiha, Josef Pieprzyk. Cryptanalysis of WG-8 and WG-16 stream ciphers

Volume 11, Issue 1

1 -- 2Lilya Budaghyan, Claude Carlet, Tor Helleseth. Editorial: Special Issue on Boolean functions and their applications
3 -- 20Irene Villa. On APN functions L 1(x 3) + L 2(x 9) with linear L 1 and L 2
21 -- 39Valeriya Idrisova. On an algorithm generating 2-to-1 APN functions and its applications to "the big APN problem"
41 -- 62Luca Mariot, Stjepan Picek, Alberto Leporati, Domagoj Jakobovic. Cellular automata based S-boxes
63 -- 76Sihem Mesnager, Zhengchun Zhou, Cunsheng Ding. On the nonlinearity of Boolean functions with restricted input
77 -- 92Bimal Mandal, Pantelimon Stanica, Sugata Gangopadhyay. New classes of p-ary bent functions
93 -- 107Çagdas Çalik, Meltem Sönmez Turan, René Peralta. The multiplicative complexity of 6-variable Boolean functions
109 -- 127Joan Boyar, Magnus Gausdal Find, René Peralta. Small low-depth circuits for cryptographic applications
129 -- 136Nian Li, Tor Helleseth. New permutation trinomials from Niho exponents over finite fields with even characteristic