Journal: Computational Intelligence

Volume 24, Issue 4

235 -- 256Jonathan Dinerstein, Parris K. Egbert, Dan Ventura, Michael A. Goodrich. Demonstration-Based Behavior Programming for Embodied Virtual Agents
257 -- 291Prasad Tadepalli. Learning to Solve Problems from Exercises

Volume 24, Issue 3

191 -- 212Piotr Uhruski, Marek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer. A Two-Layer Agent-Based System for Large-Scale Distributed Computation
213 -- 233Fang Wang, Yaoru Sun. Self-Organizing Peer-to-Peer Social Networks

Volume 24, Issue 2

77 -- 107Juan M. Corchado, M. Glez-Bedia, Yanira de Paz, Javier Bajo, Juan Francisco de Paz. Replanning Mechanism for Deliberative Agents in Dynamic Changing Environments
108 -- 121Hamed Kebriaei, Vahid Johari Majd, Ashkan Rahimi-Kian. A New Agent Matching Scheme Using an Ordered Fuzzy Similarity Measure and Game Theory
122 -- 157Matthew E. Gaston, Marie desJardins. The Effect of Network Structure on Dynamic Team Formation in Multi-Agent Systems
158 -- 190M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Ali A. Ghorbani. An Interactive Search Assistant Architecture Based on Intrinsic Query Stream Characteristics

Volume 24, Issue 1

1 -- 22Marie desJardins, Priyang Rathod, Lise Getoor. Learning Structured Bayesian Networks: Combining Abstraction Hierarchies and Tree-Structured Conditional Probability Tables
23 -- 61Ramón Sagarna, José Antonio Lozano. Dynamic Search Space Transformations for Software Test Data Generation
62 -- 75Dong H. Roh, Hyun S. Yang. Design of an Iterative Multi-Item Double-Auction Mechanism