- Jacques Barnard, Magda Huisman, Günther R. Drevin. The Development of a Systems Development Methodology for Location-Based Games. Computers in Entertainment, 16(3), 2018.
- Thaise K. L. Costa, Liliane dos Santos Machado, Ana Maria Gondim Valença, M. A. Winckler, Ronei Marcos de Moraes. Pegadas: A Portal for Management and Activities Planning with Games and Environments for Education in Health. Computers in Entertainment, 16(2), 2018.
- Zain Khan, David Rojas, Bill Kapralos, Lawrence E. M. Grierson, Adam Dubrowski. Using a Social Educational Network to Facilitate Peer-Feedback for a Virtual Simulation. Computers in Entertainment, 16(2), 2018.
- Jacek Sliwinski, Mary Katsikitis, Christian Martyn Jones. Designing and Evaluating Games for Mindfulness. Computers in Entertainment, 16(3), 2018.
- Christopher Bellman, Miguel Vargas Martin, Shane MacDonald, Ruba AlOmari, Ramiro Liscano. Have We Met Before? Using Consumer-Grade Brain-Computer Interfaces to Detect Unaware Facial Recognition. Computers in Entertainment, 16(2), 2018.
- Henrik Engström, Per Anders Östblad. Using Text-to-Speech to Prototype Game Dialog. Computers in Entertainment, 16(4), 2018.
- Chen Shu-Hui, Wann-Yih Wu, Jason Dennison. Validation of EGameFlow: A Self-Report Scale for Measuring User Experience in Video Game Play. Computers in Entertainment, 16(3), 2018.
- Samantha N. Stahlke, Pejman Mirza-Babaei. Usertesting Without the User: Opportunities and Challenges of an AI-Driven Approach in Games User Research. Computers in Entertainment, 16(2), 2018.
- Vlasios Kasapakis, Damianos Gavalas. User-Generated Content in Pervasive Games. Computers in Entertainment, 16(1), 2018.
- Timo Kellomäki. Fast Water Simulation Methods for Games. Computers in Entertainment, 16(1), 2018.