Journal: Comput. J.

Volume 41, Issue 3

137 -- 144Roberto De Prisco, Alfredo De Santis. On the Data Expansion of the Huffman Compression Algorithm
145 -- 162Antonino Mazzeo, Nicola Mazzocca, Stefano Russo, Carlo Savy, Valeria Vittorini. Formal Specification of Concurrent Systems: A Structured Approach
163 -- 170Anton Biasizzo, Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak. Sequential Diagnosis with Asymmetrical Tests
171 -- 184Leqiang Bai, Hiroyuki Ebara, Hideo Nakando, Hajime Maeda. Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting on the Arrangement Graph
185 -- 200Jamel Tayeb, Özgür Ulusoy, Ouri Wolfson. A Quadtree-Based Dynamic Attribute Indexing Method
201 -- 204Alois Panholzer, Helmut Prodinger. Towards a More Precise Analysis of an Algorithm to Generate Binary Trees: A Tutorial