Journal: Computer Languages, Systems \& Structures

Volume 38, Issue 4

279 -- 299Marcel Krizevnik, Matjaz B. Juric. Data-bound variables for WS-BPEL executable processes
300 -- 319Michael English, Tony Cahill, Jim Buckley. Construct specific coupling measurement for C++ software

Volume 38, Issue 3

199 -- 213Jorge L. V. Barbosa, Fabiane Cristine Dillenburg, Gustavo Lermen, Alex Garzão, Cristiano André da Costa, João H. Rosa. Towards a programming model for context-aware applications
214 -- 241James Gil de Lamadrid, Jill Zimmerman. Core FOBS: A hybrid functional and object-oriented language
242 -- 277Vasileios Koutavas, Matthew Hennessy. First-order reasoning for higher-order concurrency

Volume 38, Issue 2

123 -- 157Raju Halder, Agostino Cortesi. Abstract interpretation of database query languages
158 -- 180Vivek Nigam, Limin Jia, Boon Thau Loo, Andre Scedrov. Maintaining distributed logic programs incrementally
181 -- 198Nikos Tzevelekos. Program equivalence in a simple language with state

Volume 38, Issue 1

1 -- 15Mariano Martinez Peck, Noury Bouraqadi, Stéphane Ducasse, Luc Fabresse. Object swapping challenges: An evaluation of imageSegment
16 -- 28Alexandre Bergel, Felipe Bañados, Romain Robbes, David Röthlisberger. Spy: A flexible code profiling framework
29 -- 43Luc Fabresse, Noury Bouraqadi, Christophe Dony, Marianne Huchard. A language to bridge the gap between component-based design and implementation
44 -- 60Verónica Uquillas Gómez, Stéphane Ducasse, Theo D'Hondt. Ring: A unifying meta-model and infrastructure for Smalltalk source code analysis tools
61 -- 72Fabrizio Perin, Lukas Renggli, Jorge Ressia. Linguistic style checking with program checking tools
73 -- 97Juan Rolando Reza. Java supervenience
98 -- 107J. Morris Chang, Wei-Mei Chen, Paul A. Griffin, Ho-Yuan Cheng. Cyclic reference counting by typed reference fields
108 -- 121Rubén Mondéjar, Pedro García López, Enrique Fernández-Casado, Carles Pairot. TaKo: Providing transparent collaboration on single-user applications