Journal: Comput. Law Secur. Rev.

Volume 2, Issue 2

2 -- 3David Marshall. Introduction to the law on software licences part II: The specifics
3 -- 4David W. Greaves. Atwater 1986 conference on the world information economy: Risks and opportunities: 4-7 November, 1986. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Organisers: International Institute for Information and communications
4 -- 5Alan S. Wernick. Whan a software licensor files for bankruptcy the license may lose rights
5 -- 6Edward Sambridge. Model conditions for software development
6 -- 0John J. Borking. Software copyright part II: The new German legislation
7 -- 8Colin Long. Mercury and British telecom - interconnection part I: The story so far
8 -- 10David Davies. Professional indemnity insurance: A new nightmare for the professions
10 -- 12David Davies. Computer insurance: Part III - Consequential loss
12 -- 14William Farquhar. Micro secure: A guide to computer security part II: Recovery and control
14 -- 15Tony Stayton-Davis. But is it admissible as evidence?
14 -- 0Stephen Saxby. Data protection act 1984: Security and accuracy of data
15 -- 17John Cartwright. Copyright and computer output
17 -- 18Bernard P. Zajac Jr.. The latest news from the US
18 -- 19Charles P. Lickson. Reform of intellectual property: Laws could follow US report
19 -- 20Charles Christian. Lex ex machina
20 -- 21David Yates. Technology and revolution in a changing city
21 -- 22John Railton. Cheque truncation
22 -- 23David W. Greaves. Computer services association - legal affairs group