Journal: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Volume 76, Issue 3

181 -- 191Toshiaki Kondo, S. H. Ong, Kelvin W. C. Foong. Computer-based extraction of the inferior alveolar nerve canal in 3-D space
193 -- 206Evangelia I. Zacharaki, Georgios S. Stamatakos, Konstantina S. Nikita, Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu. Simulating growth dynamics and radiation response of avascular tumour spheroids - model validation in the case of an EMT6/Ro multicellular spheroid
207 -- 220M. J. Coughlin, Tim R. H. Cutmore, Trevor J. Hine. Automated eye tracking system calibration using artificial neural networks
221 -- 228Yves Besnard, Jean-Claude Launay, Angélique Guinet-Lebreton, Gustave Savourey. PREDICTOL:::®:::: a computer program to determine the thermophysiological duration limited exposures in various climatic conditions
229 -- 238Yiran Zhai, Dezhong Yao. A study on the reference electrode standardization technique for a realistic head model
239 -- 251C. M. Stewart, S. D. Newlands, A. A. Perachio. Spike detection, characterization, and discrimination using feature analysis software written in LabVIEW
253 -- 259Piotr J. Durka, Dobieslaw Ircha. SignalML: metaformat for description of biomedical time series
261 -- 263Bob Kemp. SignalML from an EDF+ perspective

Volume 76, Issue 2

95 -- 102Ida-Maria Sintorn, Mohammed Homman-Loudiyi, Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Gunilla Borgefors. A refined circular template matching method for classification of human cytomegalovirus capsids in TEM images
103 -- 113Jui-Pin Hung, Jian-Horng Chen, Hsiu-Lu Chiang, James Shih-Shyn Wu. Computer simulation on fatigue behavior of cemented hip prostheses: a physiological model
115 -- 129George Potamias, Catherine R. Dermon. Protein synthesis profiling in the developing brain: a graph theoretic clustering approach
131 -- 141J. Geoffrey Chase, Franck Agogue, Christina Starfinger, ZhuHui Lam, Geoffrey M. Shaw, Andrew D. Rudge, Harsha Sirisena. Quantifying agitation in sedated ICU patients using digital imaging
143 -- 154Yihua Xu, Garet Lahvis, Harlene Edwards, Henry C. Pitot. Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial sections in PC-Windows platform by using 3D_Viewer
155 -- 162Francesca Cantele, Salvatore Lanzavecchia, Pier Luigi Bellon. VIVA (from virus variance), a library to reconstruct icosahedral viruses based on the variance of structural models
163 -- 175Brent J. Shelton, Gregg H. Gilbert, Bin Liu, Monica Fisher. A SAS macro for the analysis of multivariate longitudinal binary outcomes
177 -- 180Sadik Kara, Mustafa Okandan, Gökhan Usta, Tevfik Tezcaner. Investigation of a new heart contractility power parameter

Volume 76, Issue 1

1 -- 11Wil G. M. Geraets, A. N. van Daatselaar, J. G. C. Verheij. An efficient filling algorithm for counting regions
13 -- 19U. Rajendra Acharya, U. C. Niranjan, S. Sitharama Iyengar, N. Kannathal, Lim Choo Min. Simultaneous storage of patient information with medical images in the frequency domain
21 -- 29Z. R. Li, X. Han, G. R. Liu. Protein designability analysis in sequence principal component space using 2D lattice model
31 -- 40Christoffer W. Tornøe, Henrik Agersø, E. Niclas Jonsson, Henrik Madsen, Henrik Aalborg Nielsen. Non-linear mixed-effects pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling in NLME using differential equations
41 -- 51T. Deutsch, T. Gergely, V. Trunov. A computer system for interpreting blood glucose data
53 -- 71George K. Matsopoulos, Vassilis Kouloulias, Pantelis Asvestas, Nicolaos A. Mouravliansky, Konstantinos K. Delibasis, Damianos Demetriades. MITIS: a WWW-based medical system for managing and processing gynecological-obstetrical-radiological data
73 -- 81Juha-Pekka Niskanen, Mika P. Tarvainen, Perttu O. Ranta-aho, Pasi A. Karjalainen. Software for advanced HRV analysis
83 -- 89Søren Rasmussen. Modelling of discrete spatial variation in epidemiology with SAS using GLIMMIX