Journal: Combinatorica

Volume 16, Issue 4

453 -- 464Xiaotie Deng. Distributed Near-Optimal Matching
465 -- 477Jeff Kahn, Nathan Linial, Alex Samorodnitsky. Inclusion-Exclusion: Exact and Approximate
479 -- 491Hal A. Kierstead, Katalin Kolossa. On-Line Coloring of Perfect Graphs
505 -- 520Maurice Pouzet, Norbert Sauer. Edge Partitions of the Rado Graph
521 -- 525László Pyber. Dense Graphs and Edge Reconstruction
527 -- 533László Pyber, Aner Shalev. Groups with Super-Exponential Subgroup Growth
535 -- 554Bruce A. Reed, Neil Robertson, Paul D. Seymour, Robin Thomas. Packing Directed Circuits
555 -- 566Bruce A. Reed, F. Bruce Shepherd. The Gallai-Younger Conjecture for Planar Graphs
567 -- 573Pavel Valtr. The Probability that ::::n:::: Random Points in a Triangle Are in Convex Position
575 -- 586Joseph E. Yukich. Worst Case Asymptotics for Some Classical Optimization Problems
587 -- 590Vsevolod F. Lev. Representation of Elements of a Sequence by Sumsets
591 -- 596Kazuo Murota. On Exchange Axioms for Valuated Matroids and Valuated Delta-Matroids

Volume 16, Issue 3

301 -- 311Noga Alon. Bipartite Subgraphs
313 -- 320Béla Bollobás, Andrew Thomason. Highly Linked Graphs
321 -- 324Mihai Ciucu. A Remark on Sets Having the Steinhaus Property
325 -- 329Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, Ajai Kapoor, Kristina Vuskovic. Perfect Matchings in Balanced Hypergraphs
331 -- 341Guoli Ding. Bounding the Number of Circuits of a Graph
343 -- 352Mark N. Ellingham, Luis A. Goddyn. List Edge Colourings of Some 1-Factorable Multigraphs
353 -- 382Andrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov. Path Problems in Skew-Symmetric Graphs
383 -- 397Nabil Kahale, Leonard J. Schulman. Bounds on the Chromatic Polynomial and on the Number of Acyclic Orientations of a Graph
399 -- 406János Kollár, Lajos Rónyai, Tibor Szabó. Norm-Graphs and Bipartite Turán Numbers
407 -- 412Mekkia Kouider, Zbigniew Lonc. Covering Cycles and ::::k::::-Term Degree Sums
413 -- 416Vsevolod F. Lev. Representing Powers of 2 by a Sum of Four Integers
417 -- 431René Peeters. Orthogonal Representations over Finite Fields and the Chromatic Number of Graphs
433 -- 437Akira Saito. Fan-Type Theorem for Path-Connectivity
439 -- 448Eckhard Steffen, Xuding Zhu. Star Chromatic Numbers of Graphs
449 -- 0Satoru Iwata. Principal Structure of Submodular Systems and Hitchcock-Type Independent Flows

Volume 16, Issue 2

149 -- 174Ron Aharoni, Ron Holzman, Michael Krivelevich. On a Theorem of Lovász on Covers in tau-Partite Hypergraphs
175 -- 188Louis J. Billera, A. Sarangarajan. All 0-1 Polytopes are Traveling Salesman Polytopes
189 -- 208Collette R. Coullard, Lisa Hellerstein. Independence and Port Oracles for Matroids, with an Application to Computational Learning Theory
209 -- 212G. S. Gasparian. Minimal Imperfect Graphs: A Simple Approach
213 -- 222Gyula Károlyi, Gábor Tardos. On Point Covers of Multiple Intervals and Axis-Parallel Rectangles
223 -- 231Paul D. Seymour. Packing Circuits in Eulerian Digraphs
233 -- 241Zoltán Szigeti. On a Matroid Defined by Ear-Decompositions of Graphs
243 -- 258Michel Talagrand. How Much Are Increasing Sets Positively Correlated?
259 -- 268Eberhard Triesch. On the Recognition Complexity of Some Graph Properties
269 -- 294Pavel Valtr. Lines, Line-Point Incidences and Crossing Families in Dense Sets
295 -- 299Van H. Vu. A Strongly Regular ::::N::::-Full Graph of Small Order

Volume 16, Issue 1

1 -- 18Yossi Azar, Andrei Z. Broder, Anna R. Karlin, Nathan Linial, Steven Phillips. Biased Random Walks
19 -- 40James D. Currie. Non-Repetitive Words: Ages and Essences
41 -- 58Dorit Dor, Uri Zwick. Finding The alpha n-Th Largest Element
59 -- 85Nancy Eaton, Vojtech Rödl. Graphs of Small Dimensions
87 -- 106Zoltán Füredi, Carl G. Jockusch Jr., Lee A. Rubel. Difference Sets and Inverting the Difference Operator
107 -- 122Penny E. Haxell, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Tomasz Luczak. Turán s Extremal Problem in Random Graphs: Forbidding ODD Cycles
123 -- 141Chris Jagger, Pavel Stovícek, Andrew Thomason. Multiplicities of Subgraphs
143 -- 147Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín. Complexity of the Frobenius Problem