Journal: Combinatorica

Volume 20, Issue 4

451 -- 476Noga Alon, Eldar Fischer, Michael Krivelevich, Mario Szegedy. Efficient Testing of Large Graphs
477 -- 488Malgorzata Bednarska, Tomasz Luczak. Biased Positional Games for Which Random Strategies are Nearly Optimal
489 -- 504Robin Forman. Morse Theory and Evasiveness
505 -- 519Joel Friedman. On Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group Generated by Tranpositions
521 -- 530Alexandr V. Kostochka, Michael Stiebitz. On the Number of Edges in Colour-Critical Graphs and Hypergraphs
531 -- 544Benoit Larose, Claude Tardif. Hedetniemi s Conjecture and the Retracts of a Product of Graphs
545 -- 568Nathan Linial, Alex Samorodnitsky, Avi Wigderson. A Deterministic Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Matrix Scaling and Approximate Permanents
569 -- 573Lajos Rónyai. On a Conjecture of Kemnitz
575 -- 588Alexander Schrijver. Total Dual Integrality of Matching Forest Constraints
589 -- 596Géza Tóth. Finding Convex Sets in Convex Position

Volume 20, Issue 3

301 -- 337Oded Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, Eric Lehman, Dana Ron, Alex Samorodnitsky. Testing Monotonicity
339 -- 391Jeff Kahn. A Normal Law for Matchings
393 -- 415Sanjeev Khanna, Nathan Linial, Shmuel Safra. On the Hardness of Approximating the Chromatic Number
417 -- 434Jeong Han Kim, Van H. Vu. Concentration of Multivariate Polynomials and Its Applications
435 -- 440Kathie Cameron. A Min-Max Relation for Monotone Path Systems in Simple Regions
441 -- 444Dennis Eichhorn, Dhruv Mubayi. Edge-Coloring Cliques with Many Colors on Subcliques
445 -- 450Romeo Rizzi. NOTE - On Minimizing Symmetric Set Functions

Volume 20, Issue 2

153 -- 172Sergey Bobkov, Christian Houdré, Prasad Tetali. lambda::infty:: Vertex Isoperimetry and Concentration
173 -- 202Béla Bollobás, Andrew Thomason. The Structure of Hereditary Properties and Colourings of Random Graphs
203 -- 218János Komlós. Tiling Turán Theorems
219 -- 226Mekkia Kouider. Neighborhoods and Covering Vertices by Cycles
227 -- 240János Körner, Gábor Simonyi. Graph Pairs and their Entropies: Modularity Problems
241 -- 255Ran Raz. VC-Dimension of Sets of Permutations
257 -- 262Vojtech Rödl, Endre Szemerédi. On Size Ramsey Numbers of Graphs with Bounded Degree
263 -- 280Joel Spencer, Gábor Tardos. Ups and Downs of First Order Sentences on Random Graphs
281 -- 293István Talata. A Lower Bound for the Translative Kissing Numbers of Simplices
295 -- 300Andrew Dabrowski, Lawrence S. Moss. The Johnson Graphs Satisfy a Distance Extension Property

Volume 20, Issue 1

1 -- 14Béla Bajnok, Shahriar Shahriari. On Uniform f-vectors of Cutsets in the Truncated Boolean Lattice
15 -- 26Michele Conforti, Bert Gerards, Ajai Kapoor. A Theorem of Truemper
27 -- 45Péter L. Erdös, Ákos Seress, László A. Székely. Erdös-Ko-Rado and Hilton-Milner Type Theorems for Intersecting Chains in Posets
47 -- 60Ilijas Farah. Approximate Homomorphisms II: Group Homomorphisms
61 -- 70James F. Geelen. An Algebraic Matching Algorithm
71 -- 86Vince Grolmusz. Superpolynomial Size Set-systems with Restricted Intersections mod 6 and Explicit Ramsey Graphs
87 -- 102Jeannette Janssen, Kyriakos Kilakos. Adaptive Multicolouring
103 -- 108Jirí Matousek. On the Signed Domination in Graphs
109 -- 117Erich Prisner. Bicliques in Graphs I: Bounds on Their Number
119 -- 140Raphael Yuster. Decomposing Hypergraphs into Simple Hypertrees
141 -- 146Tao Jiang, Dhruv Mubayi. New Upper Bounds for a Canonical Ramsey Problem
147 -- 152Andrei Kotlov. Spectral Characterization of Tree-Width-Two Graphs