Journal: Combinatorica

Volume 33, Issue 6

633 -- 654Laurent Beaudou, John Adrian Bondy, Xiaomin Chen, Ehsan Chiniforooshan, Maria Chudnovsky, Vasek Chvátal, Nicolas Fraiman, Yori Zwols. Lines in hypergraphs
655 -- 697Jean Cardinal, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret, Raphaël M. Jungers, J. Ian Munro. Sorting under partial information (without the ellipsoid algorithm)
699 -- 732Peter Keevash, Benny Sudakov, Jacques Verstraëte. On a conjecture of Erdős and Simonovits: Even cycles
733 -- 744Romanos-Diogenes Malikiosis. Lattice-point enumerators of ellipsoids

Volume 33, Issue 5

513 -- 529Zdenek Dvorak, Bojan Mohar. Chromatic number and complete graph substructures for degree sequences
531 -- 548Viktor Harangi. On the density of triangles and squares in regular finite and unimodular random graphs
549 -- 572Naonori Kakimura, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi. Half-integral packing of odd cycles through prescribed vertices
573 -- 590Dragan Masulovic. Some classes of finite homomorphism-homogeneous point-line geometries
591 -- 612Dhruv Mubayi. Counting substructures II: Hypergraphs
613 -- 621Carsten Schultz. Paths of homomorphisms from stable Kneser graphs
623 -- 631Guy Wolfovitz. K 4-free graphs without large induced triangle-free subgraphs

Volume 33, Issue 4

375 -- 393Antonio Avilées, Stevo Todorcevic. Finite basis for analytic strong n-gaps
395 -- 428Eoin Long. Long paths and cycles in subgraphs of the cube
429 -- 466Jens Marklof, Andreas Strömbergsson. Diameters of random circulant graphs
467 -- 495Bojan Mohar, Gábor Simonyi, Gábor Tardos. Local chromatic number of quadrangulations of surfaces
495 -- 513Wesley Pegden. Critical graphs without triangles: An optimum density construction

Volume 33, Issue 3

253 -- 296Omid Amini, Louis Esperet, Jan van den Heuvel. A unified approach to distance-two colouring of graphs on surfaces
297 -- 317Christine Bachoc, Arnaud Pêcher, Alain Thiéry. On the theta number of powers of cycle graphs
319 -- 334Ajit A. Diwan, Sreyash Kenkre, Sundar Vishwanathan. Circumference, chromatic number and online coloring
335 -- 347Gábor Kun. Constraints, MMSNP and expander relational structures
349 -- 374James R. Lee, Anastasios Sidiropoulos. Pathwidth, trees, and random embeddings

Volume 33, Issue 2

125 -- 160Peter Allen, Graham Brightwell, Jozef Skokan. Ramsey-goodness - and otherwise
161 -- 179David K. Butler. A characterisation of the planes meeting a non-singular quadric of PG(4, Q) in a conic
181 -- 197Jacob Fox, Choongbum Lee, Benny Sudakov. Chromatic number, clique subdivisions, and the conjectures of Hajós and Erdős-Fajtlowicz
199 -- 216Dániel Gerbner. Profile polytopes of some classes of families
217 -- 230Yahya Ould Hamidoune. Two inverse results
231 -- 252Stephen Huggett, Iain Moffatt. Bipartite partial duals and circuits in medial graphs

Volume 33, Issue 1

1 -- 10Alexander I. Barvinok. A bound for the number of vertices of a polytope with applications
11 -- 22Joshua Browning, Douglas S. Stones, Ian M. Wanless. Bounds on the number of autotopisms and subsquares of a Latin square
23 -- 44Jakub Jasinski. Ramsey degrees of boron tree structures
45 -- 71Nathan Keller, Guy Kindler. Quantitative relation between noise sensitivity and influences
73 -- 96Alexander A. Sherstov. Optimal bounds for sign-representing the intersection of two halfspaces by polynomials
97 -- 123Carsten Thomassen. Decomposing graphs into paths of fixed length