Journal: Combinatorica

Volume 9, Issue 4

321 -- 337Egon Balas, William R. Pulleyblank. The perfectly matchable subgraph polytope of an arbitrary graph
339 -- 344Andries E. Brouwer, A. V. Ivanov, Mikhail H. Klin. Some new strongly regular graphs
345 -- 362Fan R. K. Chung, Ronald L. Graham, Richard M. Wilson. Quasi-random graphs
363 -- 374Alan M. Frieze, Colin J. H. McDiarmid. On random minimum lenght spanning trees
375 -- 384Alexander Schrijver. The Klein bottle and multicommodity flows
385 -- 392Gábor Tardos. Query complexity, or why is it difficult to seperate NP :::A::: cap co NP:::A::: from P:::A::: by random oracles A?
393 -- 396Noga Alon, Michael Tarsi. A nowhere-zero point in liner mappings

Volume 9, Issue 3

233 -- 243H. L. Abbott, D. R. Hare. Sparse color-critical hypergraphs
245 -- 253Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Edward T. Ordman, Yechezkel Zalcstein. The size of chordal, interval and threshold subgraphs
255 -- 260A. V. Ivanov. Non rank 3 strongly regular graphs with the 5-vertex condition
261 -- 267Heinz Adolf Jung, Mark E. Watkins. The connectivities of locally finite primitive graphs
269 -- 287David Lichtenstein, Nathan Linial, Michael E. Saks. Some extremal problems arising form discrete control processes
289 -- 313David Peleg, Eli Upfal. Constructng disjoint paths on expander graphs
315 -- 320Lajos Rónyai, Tamás Szonyi. Planar functions over finite fields

Volume 9, Issue 2

111 -- 131Fan R. K. Chung, Ronald L. Graham, Michael E. Saks. A dynamic location problem for graphs
133 -- 143Alan M. Frieze. Survival time of a random graph
145 -- 152Winfried Hochstättler, Walter Kern. Matroid matching in pseudomodular lattices
153 -- 160Hanno Lefmann. An extremal problem for Graham-Rotschild parameter words
161 -- 187Tom Leighton, Peter W. Shor. Tight bounds for minimax grid matching wit applications to the average case analysis of algorithms
189 -- 198Emil Klafszky, Terlaky Terlaky. Some generalizations of the criss-cross method for the linear complementarity problem of oriented matroids
199 -- 206Lajos Rónyai. Factoring polynomials modulo special primes
207 -- 215A. F. Sidorenko. Asymptotic solution for a new class of forbidden r-graphs
227 -- 229Igor Kríz. A hypergraph-free construction of highly chromatic graph without short cycles
231 -- 232Jan Reiterman. A note on monotone paths in labeled graphs

Volume 9, Issue 1

1 -- 7Vitaly Bergelson, Neil Hindman. Ultrafilters and multidimensional Ramsey theorems
9 -- 19Zvi Galil, Ravi Kannan, Endre Szemerédi. On 3-pushdown graphs with large separators
21 -- 32V. P. Grishuhin. Cones of alternating and cut submodular set functions
33 -- 38Roland Häggkvist, Yannis Manoussakis. Cicles and paths in bipartite tournaments with spanning configurations
39 -- 49Tomasz Luczak, John C. Wierman. The chromatic number of random graphs at the double jump threshold
51 -- 57T. P. McDonough, Vassili C. Mavron. Symmetric designs and geometroids
59 -- 67Arnold Neumaier. Duality in coherent configurations
69 -- 74James G. Oxley, Don Row. On fixing elements in matroid minors
75 -- 84Jean-Pierre Roudneff. Inseparability graphs of oriented matroids
85 -- 89Rodica Simion, D. S. Cao. Solution to a problem of C. D. Godsil regarding bipartite graphs with unique perfect matching
91 -- 99Jerzy Wojciechowski. A new lower bound for snake-in-the-box codes
101 -- 102Ervin Györi. On the number of C::5:: s in a triangle-free graph
103 -- 105Igor Kríz. A cycle-space invariant of the <2-distance-graph in the plane
107 -- 110Bernt Lindström. Matroids algebraic over F(t) are algebraic over F