Journal: J. Complex Networks

Volume 3, Issue 4

507 -- 542Rogier Noldus, Piet Van Mieghem. Assortativity in complex networks
543 -- 551Amy Nyberg, Thilo Gross, Kevin E. Bassler. Mesoscopic structures and the Laplacian spectra of random geometric graphs
552 -- 565Jeff Alstott, Sinisa Pajevic, Ed Bullmore, Dietmar Plenz. Opening bottlenecks on weighted networks by local adaptation to cascade failures
566 -- 583Pahola T. Benavides, Urmila M. Diwekar, Heriberto Cabezas. Controllability of complex networks for sustainable system dynamics
584 -- 605June Zhang, José M. F. Moura. Role of subgraphs in epidemics over finite-size networks under the scaled SIS process
606 -- 641Sophie Hautphenne, Gautier Krings, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Vincent D. Blondel. Sensitivity analysis of a branching process evolving on a network with application in epidemiology
642 -- 670Dimitrios Tsiotas, Serafeim Polyzos. Decomposing multilayer transportation networks using complex network analysis: a case study for the Greek aviation network