Journal: J. Complex Networks

Volume 5, Issue 3

335 -- 336Ernesto Estrada. The other fields also exist
337 -- 351C. J. Carstens, K. J. Horadam. Switching edges to randomize networks: what goes wrong and how to fix it
352 -- 388Emmanuel John, Ilya Safro. Single- and multi-level network sparsification by algebraic distance
389 -- 408David I. Spivak, Joshua Tan. Nesting of dynamical systems and mode-dependent networks
409 -- 432Susan Khor. Comparing local search paths with global search paths on protein residue networks: allosteric communication
433 -- 460Mehdi Fatemi, Peyman Setoodeh, Simon Haykin. Observability of stochastic complex networks under the supervision of cognitive dynamic systems
461 -- 472Rosaria Volpe, Mattia Frasca, Alberto Fichera, Luigi Fortuna. The role of autonomous energy production systems in urban energy networks
473 -- 485L. Russo, K. Shea. Deliberately increased network connectance in a plant-pollinator community experiment
486 -- 511Massimo Stella, Cecilia S. Andreazzi, Sanja Selakovic, Alireza Goudarzi, Alberto Antonioni. Parasite spreading in spatial ecological multiplex networks
512 -- 0Yohei Sakamoto, Irena Vodenska. Erratum to "Systemic risk and structural changes in a bipartite bank network: a new perspective on the Japanese banking crisis of the 1990s"