127 | -- | 128 | Hans W. Guesgen, Frank D. Anger, Gérard Ligozat, Rita V. Rodríguez. Introduction to the Special Issue of CONSTRAINTS on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning |
129 | -- | 149 | Eddie Schwalb, Lluís Vila. Temporal Constraints: A Survey |
151 | -- | 164 | Malek Mouhoub, François Charpillet, Jean-Paul Haton. Experimental Analysis of Numeric and Symbolic Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Temporal Reasoning |
165 | -- | 177 | Gerard Ligozat. Corner Relations in Allen s Algebra |
179 | -- | 189 | Debasis Mitra. Cluster Forming Interval Sub-Algebras |
191 | -- | 202 | Rita V. Rodríguez, Frank D. Anger. Using Constraint Propagation to Reason about Unsynchronized Clocks |
203 | -- | 211 | Said Belhadji, Amar Isli. Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Techniques in Job Shop Scheduling Problem Solving |
213 | -- | 225 | Brandon Bennett. Determining Consistency of Topological Relations |
227 | -- | 237 | Patrick Olivier. Kinematic Reasoning with Spatial Decompositions |
239 | -- | 253 | Susan L. Epstein, Jack Gelfand, Esther Lock. Learning Game-Specific Spatially-Oriented Heuristics |
255 | -- | 256 | Claude Le Pape, James M. Crawford, Barry Fox, Thomas Schiex. Introduction to a Benchmark Column in CONSTRAINTS |