Journal: Computer Physics Communications

Volume 173, Issue 3

115 -- 130Hans Van de Vyver. Stability and phase-lag analysis of explicit Runge-Kutta methods with variable coefficients for oscillatory problems
131 -- 139Olivier Quinet, BenoƮt Champagne, Paolo Lazzeretti. Rototranslational sum rules for static and dynamic polarisabilities
140 -- 161D. Ursescu, M. Tomaselli, T. Kuehl, S. Fritzsche. Symbolic algorithms for the computation of Moshinsky brackets and nuclear matrix elements
162 -- 174L. Bogacz, Z. Burda, W. Janke, B. Waclaw. A program generating homogeneous random graphs with given weights
175 -- 185Sergei V. Chekanov. RunMC - an object-oriented analysis framework for Monte Carlo simulation of high-energy particle collisions
186 -- 192A. Deveikis. A program for generating one-particle and two-particle coefficients of fractional parentage for the single j-orbit with isospin